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IMIST (International Minimum Industry Safety Training) can only be delivered at an Mintra-approved Invigilation Centre. Mintra is working with approved IMIST delivery partners around the world to offer IMIST in an invigilated environment.

Companies can either become an approved Invigilation Centre and deliver IMIST training internally or arrange for this training to be undertaken at their nearest external Invigilation Centre.

External/Third party invigilation cost of the IMIST course is not included in the $99 USD licence fee and will be an additional charge to your company. These prices can be obtained from the Invigilation Centre of your choice and have been regionally benchmarked to ensure consistency of delivery in each country.

A licence to take an IMIST course can be purchased directly from the Invigilation Centre or online by your company through the IMIST Portal. Please note that individuals can only purchase directly from an approved Invigilation Centre.


Invigilation Centres that have been approved by Mintra are based in key oil and gas regions around the world to support the IMIST programme. Please search here for contact details of a centre near you, or contact Mintra if there is not a registered centre near you.


Mintra encourages your Centre or Company to attain the status of an approved IMIST Invigilation Centre. To become an Mintra-approved Invigilation Centre, please register your company first online, then one of our team will be in touch with our electronic application form with instructions for you to complete. To learn more about the minimum requirements for becoming an Mintra approved IMIST invigilation centre, please click here.

Approval will be granted subject to all the required criteria being met and your acceptance of the terms of the IMIST Invigilation Centre Agreement.

When registered, the completed application form can be sent back to Mintra by any of the following methods:

  • Scan the form, attach to an e-mail and send to: support@mintra.com
  • Fax the form to +44 (0) 1224 708431 marked for the attention of IC Approvals
  • Post the form to the following address: Mintra, Aberdeen Energy Park, Claymore Drive, Aberdeen, AB23 8GD, United Kingdom